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i'm beginning to feel like we are spinning our wheels. You know.Like those hamsters in the hamster cage. I know this; we better get some conservatives in the Senate come 2014.
IMHO the Rep should just give the big O everything he wants and walk. Then the big O can't blame them if things go south.Which they probably will anyway and he'll OWN it. Can we survive? What choice would we have?
I hear about voter fraud. Am convinced it was widespread. What can we do about it? At this point.No idea.
Then there's Benghazi. i get the horrible feeling that nothing is going to come of this. The media isn't going to investigate. Not their baby. Swept under the rug.Now Hamas(proxy of Iran)is attacking Israel.The libs are supporting Hamas and the corrupt media is chiming in.What don't these ppl get?
The big O is doing his photo ops in Mynamar aka Burma now. He gave them one of his lectures and told them all about their country.As if they didn't know.I think they clapped once. He actually revealed himself during his lecture.Told us what we knew all along. He comes right out and says he would he like to do whatever he wants and disregard the other branches of government(as if he isn't). So today things look dire and i honestly don't know where we go from here. I do know we can't sit down and shut up.

Go buddy go!
CRUMBZ Hamste10

Posts : 130
Join date : 2012-05-09

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