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The Catholic Vote

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The Catholic Vote Empty The Catholic Vote

The Catholic Vote Cathol10
I can't possibly imagine a single Catholic casting a vote for Obama;perhaps the first time around they might have dug up some good reason. Or at least in some misinformed conscience,even uninformed found a good reason to vote for him. NOT this time around. There is simply no excuse. The lines have been drawn.Given that Obama has directly attacked the Church-among other reasons-i can't think of one good reason to vote for Obama. In fact i can't think of ANY reason to vote for Obama.
If anyone is questioning whether they should or not pls get in touch and we'll discuss it. Yes,Romney is a Mormon and ppl point out that LDS is not Christian. My response is;since when has Obama been a Christian? As long as Gov Romney is pro life and is clear that he supports traditional marriage there is no conflict at all with Catholic teaching. He may not be as pro life as we would hope for but Obama is pro abortion and gay marriage period.
Obama has gotten more ppl out of work,on food stamps and in poverty levels that nothing Romney would do could hurt the poor more than Obama.Afterall Obama has put more ppl into poverty. If Romney has pro growth and job growth policies that's good for everyone including the poor especially if he's not creating more of them.
The one mistake Romney could make would be to fall into Obama's class warfare trap giving the impression the Republicans look down on the poor while Obama appears to look down on the rich.I would avoid this trap at all costs. I know some ppl are beginning to resent the poor. That is the flip side of how class warfare works. You get the poor to resent the rich. Well,if you get ppl to resent the poor that kind of lends itself to the poor becoming even more resentful The Obama administration knows how to play to those ppl. You get two classes of ppl at odds with each other. I would watch falling into this if i were Romney.Instead i would emphasize getting the economy back on track PERIOD.

As for the immigration issue which seems to alienate some Hispanics i would emphasize the safety and security of all Americans and look to improving the road to legal citizenship for immigrants. The process is too bogged down and makes it too difficult with an outdated system for legal citizenship. I would definitely emphasize the safety and security of American citizens and also promote STATES rights to deal with illegal immigrants.I would not give Obama the ammo to say that the Republicans do not respect the Hispanic population. Again this is one of Obama's traps.
If Romney drives home the weak economy and Obama's failed foreign policy [and doesn't let the media drag him around by the nose either] he can have a landslide.It's his to grab. Catholics should have no problem with Romney's religion as long as his policies complement Catholic teaching;which they do. He's not going to be asking us to become Mormons. I"m 100% certain of it.
He tapped a faithful Catholic for VP-a very positive sign. Keep that in mind. Obama tapped a dissident Catholic who is pro abortion and gay marriage to the core. I would say that right there is good enough reason to vote Romney
My husband and I applied for our absentee ballots and we're excited about getting an early vote for the Comeback Team.I loathe politics but this is a year when it's more critical than ever that we,as Catholics,practice faithful citizenship.Here's a heads up. Biden lied in the debate. There are several Church institutions that are suing HHS over Obamacare. The Bishops unanimously condemned the mandate and were LIVID over Biden's outright lie. More on the Catholic vote coming up. Stay tuned.

Posts : 130
Join date : 2012-05-09

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